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Der russische Versuch einer vollständigen Eroberung der Ukraine, der im Februar 2022 begann, hat Europa und die Welt schockiert. Zwei Jahre eines brutalen militärischen Konflikts haben die politische und soziale Landschaft beider Länder tiefgreifend verändert. Die ukrainische Gesellschaft zeigt weiterhin Resilienz, Mobilisierung und das Festhalten an einem demokratischen Modell politischer Gestaltung. Allerdings beginnen in der Ukraine, die im Widerstand gegen die Invasion vereint war, gesellschaftliche Risse und Brüche aufzutauchen. In der Zwischenzeit hat das russische Regime seine Herrschaft als Diktatur der Angst gefestigt, indem es die Repression intensivierte und jegliche interne Opposition unterdrückte. 

Die Vortragsreihe "Perspektiven der Moderne 2024" lädt zur Diskussion über die Transformationen im russischen und ukrainischen Staat und Gesellschaft ein. Eingeladene Expert*innen werden in ihren Präsentationen gesellschaftliche Dynamiken, Regierungsreaktionen und neue Zukunftsvisionen in beiden Ländern erkunden. Zusätzlich führte der Krieg zu bedeutenden Veränderungen in Deutschland und auf dem europäischen Kontinent. Unsere Vortragsreihe wird das Verständnis für die Auswirkungen des Krieges auf die sozio-politische Landschaft und die regionale Stabilität in Deutschland und Europa erweitern.

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From January 22 to 25, 2024, a winter school on “The History and Future of

Research in Exile” will take place at the University of Bonn and the University of Cologne. The fellows of the CBA as well as invited speakers will present and discuss their projects and visions from their specific key areas.

The interested public is invited to attend the public key lectures:


January 22, 2024

Bonner Universitätsforum, Heussallee 18-24, 53113 Bonn

11:30 am Prof. Werner Gephart & Dr. Daria Vystavkina: Science in Exile: Some Ambivalences of a Stranger in Society

4:15 pm Dr. Juergen Warmbrunn (Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association)

From the Baltic Sea to the Marburg Castle Hill - Baltic Exile Collections in the Herder Institute as both academic resources and places of memory


January 25, 2024

International House, Kringsweg 6, 50931 Köln 

2:15 pm: Dr. Kateryna Kobchenko (University of Münster)

Ukrainian Displaced Persons after the World War II: Historical Experience of a Mass(e)Migration

4:15 pm: Debate with Prof. Dr. Angelika Nußberger and Dr. Irina Scherbakova (Founding member of Russian Human Rights Organisation Memorial, Nobel Peace Prize co-Laureate 2022) on "Outside the door – inside a new world" - online via zoom


Please register until January, 17 via,


273 Ansichten

On September 28 and 29, the University of Duisburg-Essen and the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (DUAG) with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) hosted the “Days of Ukraine in North-Rhine Westphalia 2023” in Essen. The Advisor to the Vice Rector for International Affairs of the University of Bonn, Amanda Henson, attended the two-day conference as a representative of the Cologne/Bonn Academy in Exile (CBA). The CBA was represented among the poster presentations and the connection of two of our Ukrainian CBA fellows, Professor Dr. Iryna Petrova and Professor Dr. Daria Vystavkina, to DUAG activities was also recognised. With talks from representatives of the DUAG, DAAD, universities in NRW, as well as universities and civil society organizations in Ukraine on numerous collaborative academic projects in research, learning and teaching; not only on the scientific level, but also in higher education administration, our advisor walked away with a better understanding of the bi-national project and funding landscape. The attendance of the conference – which also included a speech from the Consul General of Ukraine in Düsseldorf, Iryna Shum, and a musical performance from the folk music trio from Donetsk, Dyvyna, as well as ample opportunities for networking with researchers and representatives of various organizations – certainly enriched the foundational knowledge the Academy needs to progress in its work.

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