Video features and podcasts with the participation of the members of the CBA
Ukraine-Krieg: "Schwerer Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht" WDR 5 Morgenecho - Interview with Prof. Claus Kreß (02.04.2024)
Kriegsverbrechern auf der Spur: Ukraine gegen Russland (phoenix plus, with contribution by Prof. Claus Kreß, 09.02.2024)
Boris Nemtsov Forum 2023. “The Future of Eastern Europe: Without Empire”, with contribution by Dr. Gleb Bogush, Berlin, 14.10.2023)
"International Criminal Law in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War" Video podcast (Dr. Sergii Masol, International Team for the Study of Security, Verona, Italy, July 2023)
"International Criminal Court arrest warrants for President Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova: What are the legal and political implications?" Podcast Episode Part 1 and Part 2 (Sergii Masol, Hague Courts Dialogue Series at the T.M.C. Asser Institute, May 2023)
Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine - The Question of Reparation (Prof. Claus Kreß, Luther Lecture at thw The Center for International Dispute Resolution (CIDR) and Luther, March 2023/05.06.2023)
The Ukraine War and the Crime of Aggression (Prof. Dr. Claus Kreß, Nuremberg Academy Lecture 2023, 04.05.2023)
Menschenrechte und internationale Ordnung (KölnAlumni ExpertTalk with Prof. Angelika Nußberger and Markus N. Beeko, Secretary General (Germany) at Amnesty International, 25.04.2023)
Die Ukraine und Russland seit 1991 / Ukraine and Russia since 1991 (Lecture by Prof. Dr. Martin Aust, 06.04.2023)
Что это было? Когда Путин предстанет перед судом? (Podcast with Dr Gleb Bogush, BBC News, 20.03.2023)
“United for Justice” conference in Lviv (with Prof. Claus Kreß, 24.02.2023)
Europamagazin. Das Erste: Ukraine: Keine Strafe für Putin? (contribution by Prof. Claus Kreß, 12.03.2023)
Interview of the week at Deutschlandfunk: "Krieg in der Ukraine. Völkerrechtler Kreß: Deutschland darf Waffen in erheblichem Umfang liefern" (interview by prof. Claus Kreß with Christoph Heinemann, 05.03.2023)
The «Alive stories of the War» project in the Polish film «Co nam przyniósł ruski mir» («BezPlanu» channel, Reviewer of the «Alive stories of the War» project – Dr. Iryna Petrova 03.05.2023)
International Conference: War against Ukraine - Accountability and Responses, University of Bergen (with contribution by prof. Claus Kreß "The Crime of Aggression and its Application to Ukraine" from 2.50.00, 24.02.2023)
Dokus im Ersten: Anklage gegen Putin? - Die Spur der Kriegsverbrechen in der Ukraine (ARD Media Library, with contribution by prof. Claus Kreß, 13.02.2023)
Ein Staat ohne Bürger? Russland am Rande des Totalitarismus (talk by prof. Angelika Nußberger and Ekaterina Schulmann, 23.11.2022), in Russian: Государство без граждан? Россия на грани тоталитаризма
Военные преступления. Что это такое и как их расследуют? | Подкаст «Что это было?» | Война (BBC Podcast with Dr. Gleb Bogush, War crimes. What are they and how are they investigated? | The "What was it?" podcast | War, 28.11.2022)
Место встречи военных преступников. Гаага расследует события в Украине | Подкаст (Radio Svoboda Podcast with Dr. Gleb Bogush, A meeting place for war criminals. The Hague investigates events in Ukraine | Podcast)
Глеб Богуш о международном праве и военных преступлениях (Podcast with Dr. Gleb Bogush, on international law and war crimes)
Как работают международные суды. Юрист Глеб Богуш (Dr. Gleb Bogush, How international courts work)
"Governing Humanitarianism – Past, Present, and Future of Global Equity and Social Justice", Humanitarianism as Global Networks and Activism und Humanitarianism and International Law (Herrenhausen Conference, with contributions by prof. Fabian Klose and prof. Claus Kreß, 11.-13.11.2022)
Krieg in Europa. Die Ukraine und die Osteuropäische Geschichte (prof. Martin Aust, 23.06.2022)
Putins Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine. Historische, politische und völkerrechtliche Einordnungen (Video recording of the online webinar with contributions by PD Dr Kirsten Bönker, Prof. Dr Angelika Nußberger, Prof. Dr Fabian Klose, Prof. Dr Claus Kreß and Prof. Dr Habbo Knoch,15.03.2022)