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Supporting Science in Times of War. Foundation of „Cologne/Bonn Academy in Exile“


© Illustration: Gregor Hübl/University of Bonn

The Universities of Cologne and Bonn are joining forces to support scientists from Ukraine who have been affected by the war. The newly founded academy is also open to scientists from Russia and Belarus who are being persecuted for their opposition to the war. Its work focuses on European integration and strengthening knowledge about the affected region.

The Universities of Cologne and Bonn, two of the largest Universities in Germany, have jointly founded the Cologne/Bonn Academy in Exile (CBA). The goal of the new academy is to support the work of renowned scholars who have been forced to flee their home countries due to Russia's war against Ukraine. The academy invites researchers from Ukraine to continue their work in Cologne and Bonn. It also supports researchers of other nationalities who have been affected by the war, such as people from Belarus and Russia who have been persecuted for their opposition to the war.

The main focus of the Academy is on law, history, cultural studies and linguistics. In line with Ukraine's membership perspective in the European Union, contributing to European integration is an overarching goal of the Academy. However, it will also work to preserve and expand region-specific knowledge. Therefore, projects in the fields of comparative politics, comparative law, comparative linguistics, and European history are of central importance.

The CBA will host a group of about twenty researchers who have completed their studies and, if possible, already hold a PhD, are junior scholars or experienced researchers at their home universities, or already hold a professorship.

The universities of Bonn and Cologne provide office space and administrative support and facilitate the integration of the researchers into the local scientific community. In addition, they will assist in finding individual financial support from public or private funds.

The universities will also promote all forms of academic exchange within the CBA, including seminars and workshops, and try to reach out to scientists:inside outside the CBA, for example through summer schools, which are already planned for summer 2022; online programs are also planned. A joint website is under construction.

Initial information on the structure of the academy can be obtained at or

Contacts for content:

University of Cologne

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Angelika Nußberger

Academy for European Human Rights Protection

Professor Dr. Johanna Hey

Vice Rector for International Affairs

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn

Professor Dr. Martin Aust

Institute of History, Department of Eastern European History

Professor Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch

Vice Rector for International Affairs

Press and Communication:

University of Cologne

Eva Schissler

+49 221 470 4030

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